Lindsay Berschauer was elected Yamhill County Commissioner in the May 2020 Primary election. She was sworn into office in January of 2021 after spending the late summer/early fall at the county fairgrounds assisting Labor Day wildfire victims, livestock, and animals. Lindsay was chosen by her fellow commissioners to serve as Board Chair in 2022, 2023, and again in 2024. Berschauer serves as liaison to the Yamhill County Sheriff, District Attorney, Clerk, Court System, Assessor and the Administrative Department. She also serves as the Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) District 6 Chair which represents Marion, Yamhill and Polk counties.
Commissioner Berschauer governs the county with a limited-government perspective, seeking to protect individual liberty, limit burdensome government waste and taxation, and to protect private property rights. She believes that by strengthening Yamhill County’s working families, we will continue to attract residents that feel valued. One of her proudest moments was meeting a family that chose to relocate to Yamhill County because they feel the Board of Commissioners respects their way of life and their checkbook!
Lindsay lives in McMinnville with her husband Mike and their three children, Jaden (19), Isabel (17) and Ben (16). Mike and Lindsay own and manage several small businesses involving hazelnut processing, farm management and marketing/design. Mike is a 5th generation NW farmer and Lindsay has managed a research & marketing company since 2013.
Prior to being elected, Lindsay served on the Yamhill County Budget Committee as one of the three citizen lay members and was previously elected to the Newberg Rural Fire Protection District. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Justice Studies and a Minor in History from Arizona State University.