Special interest groups and public unions are lying about Commissioner Berschauer’s record… and will cost taxpayers nearly $100,000 if they force a redo of the the 2020 election.
Reject this reckless recall and keep our fiscally conservative commissioners!

Berschauer stopped the Yamhelas-Westsider Trail project and is responsible for Yamhill County owing $1.1M in grant repayments.

Berschauer voted with Commissioner Mary Starrett to withdraw the Yamhelas-Westsider Trail land use application after years of taxpayer-funded legal battles determined the trail would never gain the legal permit necessary to open. The county was told in 2020 by ODOT that they would need to repay grant funds, well before Berschauer took office.

Berschauer cost Yamhill County taxpayers $45,000 in attorney fees paid to county farmers

The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), in an unprecedented decision, ordered Yamhill County to pay roughly $45,000 in reimbursement of attorney fees to county farmers who sued over the Yamhelas-Westsider Trail. LUBA determined that county counsel’s previous actions were so egregious that they ordered the county to pay back the farmers. Subsequently, a bar complaint was filed against county counsel and counsel is currently under investigation.
Berschauer had no role in county counsel’s mistakes.

Berschauer is delaying the Newberg River Front Urban Renewal District.

Commissioner Berschauer conditioned her yes vote on Newberg’s proposed Urban Renewal District with a public vote of approval from taxpayers in Newberg. Urban Renewal Districts siphon tax revenue away from public safety budgets to give tax breaks to developers. The Newberg City Council and staff refused to place the funding scheme on the ballot for a reason: they don’t think voters would pass it.
Berschauer maintains that taxpayers should have the right to vote on everything in which they’re asked to pay.

Berschauer delayed $323,000 of public health funding and opposed a COVID-19 equity plan.

Commissioner Berschauer voted to approve the COVID-19 Equity Plan after making sure that the county would not participate in vaccine incentives that she believes are unethical, especially geared towards children. Berschauer wanted assurances that any money the county accepts from the state is spent on the highest-risk COVID populations.

Berschauer delayed the distribution of $20.7M in ARPA federal money.

The Yamhill County Board of Commissioners, in its entirety, has committed to spending American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars on projects with critical regional and generational impacts. A public process is underway to ensure transparency and accountability with the handling of these funds. No commissioner wants to rush the spending of taxpayer money, just for the sake of doing so.
Yamhill County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer promised to uphold private property rights, strengthen local families, and protect your bank account from unnecessary government spending.
Lindsay has kept her promises.
If you have any questions, please call Lindsay directly at (503) 476-1544.